With the objective of disseminate the different local resources and the non-profit associations that could be of help in the different stages of the disease, we acted as an intermediary, making these associations known, the services they offered and the different workshops that were offered from their headquarters.
More information:
- Fundación Stanpa. Ponte guapa, te sentirás mejor. Ayudando a las mujeres con cáncer https://www.fundacionstanpa.com/
- Amama: Asociación de Mujeres con Cáncer de Mama en Sevilla.https://amama-sevilla.es/servicios/
- AECC: Asociación Española contra el cáncer. Delegación de Sevilla https://www.contraelcancer.es/es/sobre-nosotros/donde-estamos/sede-sevilla
- Instituto de las mujeres: https://www.inmujeres.gob.es/