Project title/reference | Funding Body |
Ongoing projects: | |
Advanced statistical analysis to measure and prevent bullying and cyber-bullying at work. | Proyectos de investigación social, Fundación "LaCaixa" (Ref. SR20-00369 PREVENT-US) |
Online tool for the detection and prevention of workplace harassment | Consejería de Economía, Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, Junta de Andalucía (Ref. P20-01191) |
Evaluation of psychosocial risk factors in the workplace | Verificaciones Industriales de Andalucía, S.A. (VEIASA) (Ref. 4427/0281) |
Previous projects: | |
Efficacy of a self-regulation intervention to improve health and presenteeism / absenteeism behaviors based on e-health and gamification records (e-Galenus) | Universidad de Sevilla (Refs. PP2020-16006 / PP2019-13250) |
Productivity and Wellbeing in Industry 4.0. | Universidad de Sevilla (Refs. PP2019-13442 / PP2018-10785) |
Analysis of the social-labor environment and evaluation of psychosocial risks. | Verificaciones Industriales de Andalucía, S.A. (VEIASA) (Ref. 1768/0281) |
Measurement of job involvement: Gender differences and consequences for occupational health. | Consejería de Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Ref. SC/UNI/00028/2009) |
Labor stress of non-university teaching staff according to gender. | Consejería de Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Ref. SC/UNI/00026/2009) |
Preparation, evaluation and dissemination of a web site for educational resources on occupational risk prevention. | AFOBAN, S.L. (Ref. 0530/0281) |
Prosocial motivation, working conditions and professional self-efficacy as predictors for burnout: an empirical evaluation of Harrison's model in nursing. | Consejería de Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Ref. SC/UNI/00022/2008) |
Influence of the moderating variables of work stress on the incidence and magnitude of Mobbing and its effects on health in health personnel (nursing). | Consejería de Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Ref. UNI/00009/2007) |
Evaluation of work stress at the University of Seville: self-efficacy and coping strategies as moderating variables of chronic work stress or burnout syndrome. | Fundación Mapfre Medicina (Ref. 2005/2006-06-Psicologia) |
Organizational climate towards occupational safety in the construction sector. | Consejería de Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Ref. UNI 16/05/2005) |
Knowledge management and prevention of occupational risks. Influence of group learning processes in the rotation, absenteeism and incidence in working teams. | Consejería de Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Ref. UNI 15/05/2005) |
Working conditions and self-efficacy as predictive variables of burnout syndrome. | Consejería de Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Ref. UNI 008/2004) |
Assessment to Seville Urban Transport (TUSSAM) in the recruiting process of workshop assistants. | Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla, S.A.M. (TUSSAM) (Ref. SI-096/03) |
Assessment to Seville Urban Transport (TUSSAM) in the recruiting process of room controller. | Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla, S.A.M. (TUSSAM) (Ref. SI-095/03) |
Assessment to Seville Urban Transport (TUSSAM) in the recruiting process of bus drivers. | Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla, S.A.M. (TUSSAM) (Ref. SI-007/03) |
Assessment to Seville Urban Transport (TUSSAM) in the recruiting process of de bus drivers. | Transportes Urbanos de Sevilla, S.A.M. (TUSSAM) (Ref. SI-013/03) |
Evaluation of socio-occupational stress at the University of Seville. | Fundación Mapfre Medicina (Ref. 2003/2004-02-Psicologia) |
Development and validation of tools for the evaluation of psychosocial risks. | Consejería de Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Ref. 36153) |
Research on training of trainers in occupational risk prevention. | Afoban, S.L. (Ref. SI-006/02) |
Conducting technical work involving the realization of a multimedia prevention of occupational hazards. | Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Enfermería (FUDEN) (Ref. SI-018/01) |
Research on the functions of the Andalusian Health Technology Assessment Agency (AETSA) and the stress factors associated with the use of new technologies. | Agencia de Evaluación de Tecnología Sanitaria de Andalucía (AETSA), Junta de Andalucía (Ref. 187/98) |