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Email: mbenitez7@us.es

Her academic and professional career has been framed in the area of Social Psychology, applied to the context of work, in different Spanish universities (Seville, Huelva, Malaga and the International University of La Rioja). She is currently a member of the Cármides group and lecturer in the Department of Social Psychology at the University of Seville. She holds a PhD in Human Resources Psychology (2010) and her areas of specialisation are Conflict Management and Mediation (Master's Degree in Family Mediation and Mediation with Minors, 2014; Master's Degree in Mediation in Social Conflicts, 2016; registered in the first section of the Registry of Mediators and Mediation Institutions of the Spanish Department of Justice), and Work and Organisational Psychology (Diploma of Advanced Studies, 2006; Official Master in Human Resources, 2008; Master's Degree in Management and Development of Human Resources, 2006).

Her main line of research focuses on the development of interpersonal skills, emotional management and mediation as key factors for positive conflict resolution in the work context. Her research results have been published in high impact journals such as the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, the International Journal of Conflict Management and the International Journal of Psychology. She is currently review editor of the International Journal of Social Psychology/Revista de Psicología Social, Escritos de Psicología and Revista de Mediación. She is a member of the Workplace Stress Committee of the Spanish Society for the Study of Anxiety and Stress (SEAS).

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