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COVID-19 Pandemic as a Traumatic Event and Its Associations with Fear and Mental Health: A Cognitive-Activation Approach

New article / nueva publicación

Nueva publicación en International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health en la que participa el investigador José M. León-Pérez: "COVID-19 Pandemic as a Traumatic Event and Its Associations with Fear and Mental Health: A Cognitive-Activation Approach"

Estudio que considera la pandemia como un evento traumático colectivo, donde una mayor sintomatología análoga al trastorno por estrés post-traumático (pensamientos intrusivos, hiperactivación y conducta evitativa) se relaciona con menores niveles de salud mental general.

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New publication coauthored by José M. León-Pérez has been published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 'COVID-19 Pandemic as a Traumatic Event and Its Associations with Fear and Mental Health: A Cognitive-Activation Approach'.

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